day 42 letters: a child from a broken home

Day 42 letters:  a child from a broken home

I am another child, but I am a child from a broken home. My parents want to go their separate ways because of I don’t know what. There are nights of endless shouting and screaming when my parents think I am sleeping. I always dream of monsters because of them. When I go to school I am always getting nervous because I do not know if I will see my parents together again at the end of the day when I went home. I am afraid of the dark, in fact everything. I started to wet my bed and that makes my parents absolutely upset with me.

I just wish they understood how their behaviour made me feel. Maybe it was my fault that they no longer love each other. Maybe if I go and say I am sorry or run away they will love each other again. If it’s not me then it must be something I did. Please god I forgot to pray sometimes, are you punishing me for being naughty?

Aunt says sometimes people just fall out of love, even mummies and daddies too. How can they fall out of love with each other when they made me? Did they not know before that I needed them both? I do not want to be made to choose who to live with. What if they both re-marry and I end up with wicked step parents. It’s too much for my little mind to think about. I think I will have an Oreo and a glass of milk and have a nap. Granny has a mug that says, life is hard then you take a nap. So I will have a nap and carry on thinking tomorrow

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