To my sons
I know my children at the moment you are not sure what is happening as our lives have changed so much. In your hearts I know there is a lot of fear of the unknown. I want you to know that I love you more than life itself. I will give up my life just for you and I hold you in the deepest folds of my heart.
Like the Father in the heavens I have your name carved into the palms of my heart. I pray every day for your lives. When you lay asleep at night I ask the Lord to bless my 3 angels. I prophesy over your lives. I cause the blood of Jesus to rise up against anyone who means you harm. I plead with the heavens to open the flood gates of blessings. Favour will be your portion. Everywhere you go the light of the lord will shine upon you. Goodness and mercy will follow you every second. When you speak you shall bring the world to a standstill. The gentiles of the world shall bow down and serve you. I decree prosperity, life, health, peace, joy and elegance. You will rise up to be mighty men of valour and you will serve in the house of the Lord. Your names shall be wonderful and kingdoms shall be upon your shoulders.
People will seek you because of the grace of God that descends from the heavens. They will know you from the four corners of the world. I decree these prophecies and establish them. No weapon ever formed against you shall ever prosper. When you wake up in the morning and even in your sleep, you will cause the devil to shake in his boots. I release greatness over you.
So do not be afraid, you are descendants of the Covenant keeping God, made in his likeness and in his image. Whatever you see you shall seize, you shall overtake the sower and reap where you have not sowed, live in houses you have not lived. Your new Father Jehovah, will do mighty and great things in your life. You shall be the three new wonders of the world. You will change lives and history. So do not be afraid.
Love mummy

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