Day 6 Letters ~ MY DIVORCE

Letter to my husband
Dear husband
This is to just inform you that after 6 years of being married to you and three beautiful boys down the line I am packing my bags and leaving you. In as much as it pains me it is a necessary step that I have to take. Yes, this house is very cold and even though I don’t know where I will end up tomorrow but I have fearsome courage now. When I bought the Bible I discovered a new thing, a new power that has just been hiding somewhere. It says somewhere I don’t know the verse number but all I remember is that He knows the plans He has for me, plans to give me a hope and a future. So even though I may end up walking through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.
So, with only the clothes on my back and no dime to my name, I am taking my boys, holding my head high and walking out of this house. See when we got married we had the wrong foundations, I did not ask God to bless our union I thought it was just on love we could survive. If I had prayed for the man God ordained to be my husband I would not be in this mess. Being with you has made me much wiser and I need to heal from within. When I look at the scars on my body I smile because they are a symbol of strength and survival. I know I am blessed because there are others out there who have not found strength to reach out and cry for help, because it meant leaving the comfort zone.
I will always love you my husband, the father of my children and I just need to let you know I forgive you for everything. I will not speak badly about you to our children. Also I will pray for you fervently that God may reach out to you. That your soul may be healed and free you from the curses of abuses you grew up witnessing as a child. I want you to have the best in life and what is a man if he loses his soul and gains the whole world?
So whenever you feel a slight breeze of wind or you hear a silent whisper in the still of the night, hold still and know it is my prayer trying to reach you. I urge you my dear take time each day and listen to the still voices before you lift a hand.
I love you and always will but now it is time I make this journey on my own and we may not meet again, but if our paths cross again, I will not judge you and I will always take time to listen to you.
Thank you for the years you gave me
From the wife who has left you
P/s I have signed the divorce papers

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