Letter from my son
Dear mummy
I heard you cry last night when you thought we were sleeping. I love you so much mummy I don’t want to ever see you crying. I wanted to wake up and kiss you as well as give you a big hug like you do to me when I hurt myself. I was afraid that if you saw me awake you would cry more because you said you don’t want us to hurt and I was hurting to see you cry.
Please mummy don’t cry again. I know daddy did something very bad but we still love you. I will ask Santa to bring me all the money in the world and I can buy you all the smiles from everybody. I promise this year I will be a very good boy so that even the fairies will bring you all the things you want mummy. Don’t ever cry. When I grow big I will fight any one who hurts my mummy and I will give you a castle too because you are very beautiful like a Princess in her castle and horses. I want to be the handsome Prince who will fight all the dragons that want to hurt you.
In Sunday school I learnt Jesus loves me, he loves mummy too because the Bible says so. So mummy Jesus loves you. I really really love you too like Jesus.
Our house is very small now but I like it because we all share one big bed now and Jesus was born in a manger so I think he is my big brother and should come and live with us too.
Love you so so much Mummy

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