Thoughts of a lifetime

If they had to write a book would they write about me? What would they say about me? If they had to re-write a present day testament would I stand astride one of them, like an Elijah or Moses? Would I be a Jabez of my time, or have my own book like Esther?

If I then became chronicled in life’s history books would you read about me and let my legacy change your life. Would you buy me as a book so I can sell millions of copies?

If for some reason, there was a chance to say a eulogy about me, what would you say? Would you tell the world how I tried to change the world with my words? Would you tell them how I like to be remembered, for my heart and the grace of my father that makes me unique, which I am and that I always feel his presence over me. Would you tell them how I spent a lifetime trying to let the world it is okay to hold on to the glory of THE I AM WHO I AM?

If they had to cast an epic movie, would they sell me as a legend? Will I be synonymous with humility? Would they cast me as a victor or survivor?

Either way I will try with all that I have to live the legacy of my Lord who guides me. What will they say about you? What if…….

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