the i kingdom

The kingdom of I

Chapter 1

A lot of times we go through situations and come across events and people that make us begin to doubt if we will ever amount to anything. We begin to question who we are and what we stand for. Doubts emerge whether we will ever be able to achieve anything in our lives. I was one of those people that at one point lost view of who I was,  but then the more my brothers and sister kept believing in me, somethings began to change. Even my son often even up to now say, mum you can do this. I tell you what changed in me. I began to realise, I am something, I am a power zone, I am it, in fact I am a kingdom in itself.  My kingdom is the kingdom of I. Everyone is a rightful kingdom on its own.

  1. First you need to claim that kingdom, that is claim you and own you.  If you are not happy with the name of your kingdom, that is, your birth name, feel free to go ahead and change it to reflect the principles and governance of your country and its vision. 
  2. Who is going to be in charge of your kingdom or who are you letting run your kingdom. Who is running your life, is it you or do you have people making decisions for you. Why are you not able to run your own life and giving power to others. Are you happy to continue being powerless in your own kingdom.
  3. What laws are you going to apply to your kingdom and what type of government are you going to be from the day you take charge. Your laws should explore bringing peace to you, how are you going to maintain it, who is the sheriff, which constitution are you running your kingdom on, where is the foundations of your kingdom.

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